Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grad student = too many books

Oh wait, there is no such thing as too many books. Buying a book a week for three classes every semester really adds up, especially now that publishers are sending desk copies too!

All these books and shelves encroach on the choices for layout and I love rearranging furniture for a "new" room. My initial attempt was the chair-in-front-of-bookshelves but it didn't become the reading nook I originally thought it would so I needed to stir things up. I didn't want our old kitchen table to continue as a catch-all so I moved it away from the door and the temptation to just drop off items. Normally I move all the furniture with only space restrictions but this motivation kicked off after I had already nailed a poster. It was a struggle and made double holes so I wanted to avoid moving the poster and bookshelf underneath it.
The first attempt just shifted the bookshelves down to fit the table but the Detroit poster was too large for such a narrow space.
By the second attempt, I realized that the white bookcase came up to a strange height on the poster and I didn't like the stepping of the heights as a whole.
The final move worked well and gave enough room for the coat stand at the end. Don't worry, I didn't leave my books in piles. After a struggle to put them in color order, and no pictures of all that effort, I just couldn't function with my books in random order. It looked nice but I was forced to looking up images of my books to then find them on the shelves.

Sometimes the bug to rearrange furniture just hits me. I did this on my own but Steve doesn't mind as long as he gets out of it :)

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