Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bully Jack O'Lantern

I'd like to preface this masterpiece by stating that this is my first time carving a pumpkin. When I was little, my parents got us small pumpkins we painted and my dad carved a large pumpkin to put on our porch. This year Steve and I wanted to enjoy Halloween so we picked up a couple of medium pumpkins from our local produce store.

We searched for designs online and sketched them onto the pumpkins. Then the carving commenced.

Mine, on the left, took a lot longer, or really, I was slower than Steve's on the right. Look at that bully picking on my pumpkin.

I really enjoyed creating my pumpkin, even if it molded and leaked before Halloween. If I don't truly build-up and enjoy Halloween, the whole holiday season goes by too quickly so I think this tradition is here to stay.

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