Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Home, New Walls

Although I had no problem with the sage coloring of the walls, my red furniture looked more like a Christmas color scheme. So the green had to go...

In regular daylight
With Flash
We used Glidden Granite Grey. It dried super fast with little fumes but it must've been all the open windows that helped. It came out a little more blue-toned than I'd like but it feels fresh. There's still a lot of work to do - nothing is yet on the walls. Once we started, I was motivated to do something about the bedroom. After deciding against the green of the living room, I found images of other Glidden rooms and picked out their Gentle Tide.
Without flash
With my camera flash on
It's a minty bluish color. Nothing on the walls here either. It feels much more comfortable and refreshing than dirty cream walls. Both colors make the white trim pop.

1 comment:

  1. HEY!!! LOl yes I am randomly commenting on your blog. Your place is so cute! I just did the same thing in my living room with grey paint, looks very similar, and mine looks sort of blue during certain times of day too - grey is such a tricky color.
