Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…

Friday, December 31, 2010

still adjusting

Time flies...when you spend it reading countless books, writing papers, and running discussion sections.

Though I haven't updated, I still worked on projects and tried out some new recipes. So first things first, we needed a matching DVD tower but couldn't get out to Ikea. So I turned to Craigslist where Ikea products flourish. No red towers were listed so I figured, inspired by Ikea Hacker, that I could make some changes.

 Doing some research online, I found the appropriate Bin primer and got paint to match the color of our other tower. Using brushes, left the shelves and tower streaky so I used a small roller.

The tower is a little sticky but no residue sticks to the DVDs.
 While it may have been cheaper to buy a new one, there was no transportation out to Ikea in the suburbs. Plus, I appreciate that one tower a little more than the other.

Now I have symmetry and can better focus on hockey.