Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter…

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Furniture Face Lift

After moving to Chicago, apartments have very little closet space so we needed a dresser to store our clothes. I took this solid one from our family's basement.

Excuse the mess - we had just moved!

My dad worked very hard in 1983(he made sure to lay his claim in permanent marker on the inside) to refinish it for my sister but it needed updating. After inquiring with my dad about how to cover up his really shiny polyurethane layers, I used foam brushes to coat it in two layers of Minwax Polyshades American Chestnut.

I switched out the old wooden knobs for some new metal ones from Target. They have a bit of a convex shape that has enough room to grasp. Buying them in bulk definitely saves money, especially for 10 knobs.

I think it turned out pretty well. It doesn't clash with our bed frame as the previously yellow shade. I love how it looks against the walls and white accents. I think I will add my own name to my dad's inside the dresser.
My first refinishing project: Done!